
Student researcher finds trans youth certain of desired care

Senior Angelea Francesco presented their research at an international symposium that contributes to establishing evidence-based standards of care for transsexual, 变性人, 以及性别不一致的个体.

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 senior Angelea Francesco presented a research poster on self-perception, 身体形象, and gender in 宾西法尼亚 adolescents and young adults with gender dysphoria at the World Professional Association for Transgender Health scientific symposium in Montreal.  

Francesco works remotely as a part-time undergraduate research assistant at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的性别健康诊所. The poster information was drawn from their research performing retrospective chart reviews of patients 年龄s 10 to 24 from primarily rural areas who are seeking specific gender-affirming healthcare. 

这些数据包括性别等人口统计数据, 年龄, birth-assigned性, 以及身体形象的定性描述, 治疗目标, 性, 以及与朋友和家人的关系. The results were compared by both birth-assigned性 and gender (man, 女人, 非, uncategorizable).  

"We saw a lot of variation in the ways 变性人 youth described their gender, 但是尽管如此, 他们很清楚自己是谁. They were very certain about the care that they wanted,“弗朗西斯科, 谁认为自己是跨性别者, 说.

The majority of adolescents and young adults presenting at the clinic for gender-affirming healthcare were able to describe 治疗目标 that are feasible with current medical knowledge and technique. All participants clearly articulated experiences, expressions, and areas of dysphoria and euphoria. The areas that caused the most distress tended to be those that are most impacted by sex hormones, 比如胸毛和体毛.   

弗朗西斯科展示了他们的海报, answering questions and networking with clinicians and researchers from around the world. They shared credit for the research with other members of the clinic’s team: Marley Billman, clinical research coordinator; Jamal Essayli, assistant professor of pediatrics and psychiatry; and Dr. 迷迭香C. 儿科学助理教授Roden说.  

弗朗切斯科,是学校的尖子生 康复及人文服务 (RHS) major说, the five-day conference was intimidating at first.

“There were a lot of big players there, and it was hard initially. 我不记得在那里见过像我这样年轻的人, and I was surrounded by people in the heart of their careers. 它最终给了我信心, 是的, 我属于这个高成就的领域,他们说.

"We saw a lot of variation in the ways 变性人 youth described their gender, 但是尽管如此, 他们很清楚自己是谁. They were very certain about the care that they wanted.”


Francesco delved into healthcare accessibility during a 10-week summer internship at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. They conducted a community health needs assessment for the medical center’s LGBTQ health program. 

“I learned a lot about myself and the world of LGBTQ health care in a medical center. Inaccessibility, lack of public transit, and barriers to care were big themes. 这件事很重要, so Vanderbilt knows what to do to make care more accessible,他们说. 

Their experience in Nashville led Francesco to think more deeply about their career path. 

"The reality is that people in LGBTQ health care are overworked and underpaid. 对我来说,这就是我想要的职业生涯吗? 这是我愿意或甚至可以做的事情吗?他们说.  

Francesco came to 阿宾顿 as a transfer student and dived right into the campus community.   

“来到阿宾顿我很兴奋, 我觉得和其他学生有直接的联系, 还有很多事情要做. 我从来没有觉得这么舒服过,”他们说.  

迈克尔Lavetsky, chair of the RHS program, could tell Francesco was special from the first day. 

“他们表现出了学术能力, 热情, 动机, 以及远远超过同龄人的领导力,他说.  

弗朗西斯科担任 朋辈辅导员, who is trained in basic counseling skills and is supervised by licensed mental health professionals from the campus’ 辅导及心理服务 (大写).   

“支持系统对每个人都至关重要, so the idea of being a resource for students who could use someone in their corner was really appealing to me. Connecting with folks and building a strong community really drew me to peer counseling,“弗朗西斯科, 谁获得了阿宾顿的证书 药物依赖预防和咨询说,.   

“Angelea has been able to connect with students from diverse backgrounds, 性别, 以及不同的文化,“Lavetsky, 谁来训练这个精挑细选的同伴咨询团队说,. 

弗朗西斯科获得了该校著名的埃里克A. 和约瑟芬S. 沃克奖, 哪个能认出一个学生的性格, 奖学金, 领导, and citizenship have been directed into programs and services that have positively influenced other students and have contributed to the prestige and well-being of the campus and to the reputation of the University.  

以前, Francesco shadowed a community health man年龄r at a hospital near their hometown in the Pocono Mountains. 他们参加了公共卫生会议, advertised and organized mailings for a program for people living with a combination of food insecurity and chronic health issues, 为每周播客研究营养价值, 并完成自杀干预训练. 

Francesco’s friends who identify as queer and 变性人 inspire much of their work, 还有那些残疾人. 

“I look at things that affected my family and loved ones. 尽管我在农村和保守地区长大, I was still exposed to progressive and social justice issues. I was influenced by a lot of very progressive people growing up, including my mother,” they 说.  

Francesco is exploring the many career options that are available with an RHS degree and their varied experiences.   

“I have a direction, but I’m feeling out exactly what I want. I want to honor who I am and what I want to do,” they 说. 

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